Legal Notice
Orgelstadt Hamburg e.V.
Königstraße 54
22767 Hamburg
Authorized chief executives:
Hans-Jürgen Wulf, Gerhard Löffler, Dr. Alexander Steinhilber
Registration court:
Amtsgericht Hamburg
Register number:
VR 23536
Responsible for content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV
Hans-Jürgen Wulf
Telefon: 0049-40-30620-1070
If an individual contacts us via one of these channels, the personal data transmitted by this individual will be automatically stored (Article 6 (1) (b), (GDPR). The storage is solely for the purpose of processing or contacting the individual concerned.
Headerphoto: Orgelstadt Hamburg e.V. – Photograf: Alexander Voss