Welte-Funkorgel of North German Broadcast

The Welte-Funkorgan remains unchanged since 1930 in its place in Hamburg Funkhaus.
It belongs to one of the largest theater or cinema organs in Europe.

Eckdaten Orgel

Welte-Funkorgel des Norddeutschen Rundfunks

Location: Norddeutscher Rundfunk
Rothenbaumchaussee 132
20149 Hamburg
Builder: Welte & Söhne, Freiburg im Breisgau
Year of construction: 1930
Number of pipes: 2.014
Number of stops: 128 ausgezogen aus 29 Grundregistern (ranks)
Setting: 2 Orgelkammern, aufgeteilt auf 3 Manuale und Pedal
Orgelstadt Hamburg e.V. – Fotograf: Alexander Voss

It became very well-known through the consistent broadcasting of organist Gerhard Gregor (1906-1981) with his regular live performances on the radio. The electro-pneumatic organ is built on the principle of the multiplex system. The pipes are divided into two chambers behind and under the stage. The special features of the Welte-Funkorgel includes its Jalousie-swell, the five tremulants for the whole organ, the high wind pressure and its percussion instruments. Among others, the chime, xylophone or large bells are struck electro pneumatically when played on a key.





Booklet Gerhard Gregor Die Welt der Operetten, Filme und Schlager für Internet





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Michael Baron an der Welte-Funkorgel